Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bandung residents a healthy breakfast at the headquarters of the army

kopi hijau pelangsing

Bandung residents a healthy breakfast at the headquarters of the army


Bandung, Bandung city thousands of compact lift paper cup contains nutritious cereal powders in hand each, then drank it synchronously. The presence of yellow berkaus citizens consists range of that age to participate in the activities of healthy breakfast. The event national campaign entitled ' healthy breakfast Before 9 ' initiated Energen Majus Nutrition was held at the headquarters of the army or precisely the area of the field of transportation (Hubdam) military region III/Siliwangi in Tegalega district, the City, Toha researcher Mochamad Bandung, West Java, on Sunday (5/3/2017). The activities of the national Breakfast Week ' celebrations of 2017 ' supported a number of parties among other Ties Indonesia Doctors (IDI), the Association of Food and Nutrition Experts (Food Pergizi) Indonesia, Bandung City Government. and Through this national campaign, hope we all the public became aware of the importance of a healthy breakfast before nine in the morning, said Goesnawan, Marketing Director of PT Majus is wonderful as a manufacturer of Energen, while providing information on the location of the event. He explained, similar events already in progress since past 2015. Trace 2017, the Department remains committed and consistent healthy breakfasts campaign coined for the people of Indonesia in 28 cities with a population of approximately 200 people, participants from Sabang until Merauke. We aim to educate and engage the public Indonesia made efforts with noted nutritional breakfast. So the habit of healthy breakfast can build a healthy generation, intelligent and active, said Goesnawan Chairman of Pergizi. Food Indonesia Hardinsyah reminded the public, especially early childhood, the question of the importance of getting breakfast before malakoni activity. A healthy breakfast is expected to be applied in any family environment and lifestyle into every morning. We are pleased, the Government and the business community want to participate to develop and educate the importance of healthy breakfast, said Hardinsyah.






Photo: Baban/






Read also: this happens to the body when you Skipped Breakfast more he explained, the campaign ' healthy breakfast Before 9 ' this is supporting the Ministry of Health Regulation Number 41 Year 2014 Balanced Nutritional Guidelines about who a message 6th form a habit ' Breakfast '. Of course, dial Hardinsyah, healthy breakfast must look at the balance and composition the right nutrition and healthy amanSarapan that there is food and drink. The composition of healthy breakfast should contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals as well as water that could meet a quarter of the daily nutritional needs, said Hardinsyah. Ulul Albab, IDI representatives, appreciates the activities of the healthy breakfasts campaign. He hopes education and information reserved healthy breakfast continues to be done to the community at large. Make it a habit. A healthy breakfast should be the correct composition i.e. contain enough nutrients so as to provide energy, said Bandung City Government supports Ulul. full movement ' healthy breakfast Before 9 ' which carried Energen. Just a note, in 2015 and then city of Bandung city's award-winning Healthy from the Ministry of health of INDONESIA. To achieve healthy communities, healthy nutrients it needs to be, said Bandung Sekda Yossi Irianto. in campaigns a healthy breakfast in the field Hubdam III/Siliwangi, Bandung society come in droves. Among older children and adults to elderly mingle for eating a healthy breakfast as well as other activities such as gymnastics and healthy way. The event features musical performances featuring the band's former singer, Drive, Drives, as well as other entertainment events. Read also: want to have a slender body? Wake up Rajin-rajinlah (bbn/up) dimana beli kopi hijau


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